Creating A Healthy Home - Atelier Maison & Co.

It’s easier than you think. Really. We all can have healthier homes where we can relax, create memories and enjoy family. At our sister company, Living Stone Design + Build, extra effort is put towards designing green and building green. And then Living Stone helps their clients live green. Today, that vision has evolved into Atelier Maison & Co.

Below are a few thoughts from a Psychologist on creating the perfect home environment.

In an ideal world, your home should be a safe haven where you can relax and recharge after a busy day. It’s the place where you make happy memories laughing and playing, and share fresh meals with your loved ones.

A healthy home can be the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, there could also be hidden health hazards lurking around the house, from dangerous pollutants to dust-collecting clutter.

Spring is the traditional time to freshen up your living space after a long winter of being stuck indoors. And while you’re in the cleaning spirit, it’s also a perfect opportunity to create a healthier home for your family, with a few adjustments and some new routines.

Follow this short step-by-step guide to eliminate common household toxins, make your home sparkling clean and turn your brownstone into the cornerstone of a healthy life.